It’s So . . . Ummmm. . . RED!

 Oh my goodness! Have I blinded you? This is the result of my “brilliant” idea to paint the back panelling on my hutch BRIGHT red this afternoon. I’ve been using red as an accent color in my kitchen, but this is too much! I did manage to clean the upper two shelves, which I’m pleased with, but the color is a flop! So, while I figure out what to do about painting it back, I’ll tell you about my next project.

This week, I’m beginning part 2 of my “command center”.  I will be working on a large blank area on my kitchen wall where I will be installing some essentials to keep us organized — some cork boards, a calendar and some other surprises (I’m going to be surprised along with you – ha, ha).

By the way, notice the top left corner of my hutch. I used that cookie jar to hold a fake plant. It stays. 🙂 Thanks for the input.

About easygoingorganizer

I am wife to the world's nicest man, mother to four lively/intelligent/beautiful children, daughter to two incredible parents, sister to four amazing siblings, aunt to nine fun-loving nephews and two sweet nieces, friend, teacher turned homeschooler, runner and aspiring organizing maven. Most importantly, I am a woman of faith and unapologetically blend my faith and my God into all that I do because it is ". . . in Him we live and move and exist . . ." (Acts 17:28).

8 responses »

  1. The red looks pretty awesome, not gonna lie… and you used the plant idea!!! Im flattered!

  2. Yes, the plant idea was yours. Thanks! 🙂 I have to admit, the red is kind of growing on me, but my husband hates it. It is really bright! I’m trying to think of some way to mute it a bit. . . maybe try sanding it a little? Might ruin it. I don’t know.

  3. Get some of those wall decals.

  4. Paint a thick (so it doesnt liik pink) coat of white paint over it then sand down the white so the red shows through.

  5. That’s what Paul said too. I think I’m going to try that! Thanks, Shell.

  6. Pingback: My Crafty Magnet Board « Easy-Going Organizer

  7. Pingback: A Confession and a Random Act of Organization « Easy-Going Organizer

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