Category Archives: decor

Such as it Is

Decorating has never been my strong suit. I will never have a home featured in a magazine layout. My home decor style can be described as “Stuff I Like and Stuff People Have Given Me that I Don’t Hate”.  It’s very eclectic, which is fancy for (shout out to all those Fancy Nancy fans), “completely random, serving no cohesive purpose”.  So, here goes.  I have completed (mostly) my decorating goals.  Don’t judge.

Area one: The kitchen corner shelf, aka, “the place I shove stuff I don’t know what to do with” (Yes, I know, don’t end with a preposition, but “stuff with which I don’t know what to do” sounded a bit pretentious).

I tried to keep it clean and simple with a few pieces I like.  The big yellow bowl just makes me happy (Thanks Eunie!), and the “Gentle” tile always needs to be on display where I can see it as a constant reminder for how I need to interact with my children.

Area two: The shelf, aka, “the hand-me-down from my sister I love, but haven’t decided what I should use it for”

Not only are my decorating skills lacking, but so are my photography skills. My apologies for the poor photos. Here I merely added a few things I like, framed pictures with sentimental value, and a basket at the bottom for function (I’ll probably look for a taller one, but this works for now).

Area three: The bathroom wall, aka, “the bathroom wall”.

Before – blank, after – not blank.  That’s all I have to say about that.

Area four: Another blank wall, aka, “yup, it’s empty”.

I’ve always wanted a photo collage wall, so I did one.  It’s not Pinterest worthy, but I like it. My favorite people star here along with a few pieces that just seem right.

I have one more room to go, so I didn’t quite get it all done. This next week (and I mean “week” quite loosely), my project is to complete that one final room, our living room. It is the one room in our house that has a fresh coat of paint, so I would like to spend some time getting it right.