Daily Archives: February 15, 2012

Should it Stay or Should it Go?

I need a little help from my readers (if there are any). Last week I removed this cookie jar (left) from my kitchen counters. I was using it to hold kitchen utensils.  It has no lid, so it’s obviously not going to be used as a cookie jar. I shoved it on my hutch because that’s what I do when I don’t know what to do with something. So my question is, do I get rid of this thing? Or is there some brilliant use for this of which I am currently unaware?  Should it stay or should it go? Bum-bum-bum-bum-bum-bum-bum . . . If it goes there could be trouble. . . if it stays there could be double. . . (okay, got carried away there for minute).  I’d love some input!

This is what I’m attacking this week.

This is my hutch that ends up as the catch-all for whatever I don’t want to deal with right now . . . or whatever I don’t want to walk “all the way upstairs” at the moment.  This is actually one of its better moments.  I de-clutter it frequently, but it inevitably gets cluttered again. I’m creating a system; a “command center” seems to be the latest word for it. Wish me luck!