Daily Archives: January 18, 2012

Our Snow Day!

We finally had our snow day!  After a long, dry winter and even a snowless Christmas, we woke this morning to large white flakes swirling outside our windows.  The beauty of homeschooling is that we can be flexible with our schedule. It quickly changed from “9am – History” to “slam our breakfast and get outside before it stops!”  To my seven-year-old son, who was very disappointed to be putting away Christmas when “it hasn’t even snowed”, I had promised to pretend it was Christmas-time on our first snow. So after spending the morning making the largest snowman we could manage, throwing snowballs and shoveling walks, we came in for hot chocolate and Christmas music.  The only thing keeping it from being the perfect snow day was knowing my nine-year-old was watching us mournfully from his sick-bed on the couch (boo-hiss for winter flu).  Even his little brother felt it and said to me as I had them pose for the camera, “I wish Jonah could be in this picture.”

To keep with our fake-Christmas theme, we cut sugar cookies, snuggled together in front of the fire-place and enjoyed watching the snow fall, thankful to be warm inside.  Of course the boys had to go out again once they were thoroughly warmed, and this time Jonah was feeling well enough to bundle up along side.  The snow soon turned to slush, then rain, but it didn’t stop them from building another soggy snowman and throwing more snowballs.  This time I watched from inside until they sloshed in, rosy-cheeked and soaked from head to toe, but completely happy. It was the day they had waited for all winter long. Our snow is nearly gone now.  The rain washed most of it away.  Our snowman didn’t even last the day, giving into the weight of the rain and crashing over on the sidewalk. But it was a good day.  Here’s hoping for more snow tomorrow!

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